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Summary of example objective The goal of this tutorial is to use LQR theory applied to a model of collective behavior. The model choosen shares a formal structure with the semidiscretization of the semilinear 1d heat equation.
Consider $N$ agents $y_i$ for $i=1,…,N$, and let $y=(y_1,…,y_N)\in \mathbb{R}^N$.
The model considered is the following:
where $A$ is a matrix of the form:
and $\vec{G}:\mathbb{R}^N\to\mathbb{R}^N$ is a non linear function of the form
where $G$ is a non-linear function, matrix $A$ models the interaction between agents. Agent $i$ changes its state according to the state of agent $i+1$ and $i-1$ in a linear way plus a non-linear effect that depends only on his state.
Note that the manifold
is invariant under $F$. Indeed, taking $x\in\mathcal{M}_N$ we have that
Therefore, the mean will follow the following 1-d dynamical system
Here we will consider that $G(0)=0$ and that $DG(0)>0$, we have an unstable critical point at 0. Let N=20,
and that
here $G$ is taken in the following form (and we compute also its derivative).
The non-linearity choosen is:
syms G(x);
syms DG(x);
G(x) = piecewise(x<=-a, -2*a*a*x*c-2*a*a*a*c, a<=x, -2*a*a*x*c+2*a*a*a*c, -a<x<a, -c*x*(x-a)*(x+a));
DG(x) = diff(G,x);
DG = @(x)double(DG(x));
close all
title('Plot of the non-linearity')
hold off

The function field assigns an $N$ dimensional vector corresponding to the field for every point in $\mathbb{R}^N$, matrix $A$ and the nonlinear function $G$
F =
function_handle with value:
Now its the turn to define our cost functional. Our goal will be to stabilize the system in a critical point inside the manifold $\mathcal{M}_N$. Notice that, in particular $0$ is a critical point.
We will choose the matrix $Q$ in a way that the vector that defines $\mathcal{M}_N$ is an eigenvector of the matrix $Q$, we have seen that the manifold $\mathcal{M}_N$ is invariant under the flow. Our cost functional will take into account if we are not in this manifold.
We check that its eigenvalues are non-negative
Q=eye(N)-ones([N N])/N;
And we define $R$ being just the identity
Linearize arround the unstable equilibrium 0 and obtain the linearized system $\dot{y}=Ly$
we set our control matrix B
One has to check the rank of the controllability matrix to see if we satisfy the Kalman rank condition
Once it is done, we are in the position of solving the algebraic Riccati equation
[ricsol,cleig,K,report] = care(L,B,Q);
Consider a time span and an initial datum
radius = 6
ini = radius*(-0.5+rand(N,1))
radius =
ini =
the free dynamics would result
tspan = [0, 2];
[t,y] = ode45( F, tspan, ini);
for i=1:N-1
plot(t, y(:,i));
hold on;
plot(t, y(:,N))
title('Free dynamics')
hold off

Now the LQ controller with the linear and the non-linear dynamics
u_lq = @(t,x) -K * x;
i_linear = @(t,x) L*x + B*u_lq(t,x);
[time, state] = ode45(i_linear,tspan, ini);
i_nonlinear = @(t,x)[F(t,x)+B*u_lq(t,x)];
[timen, staten] = ode45(i_nonlinear,tspan, ini);
for i=1:N-1
plot(time, state(:,i),'LineWidth',2);
hold on;
plot(time, state(:,N),'LineWidth',2)
grid on
title('LQR regulator on the linearized system')
hold off

[timen, staten] = ode45(i_nonlinear,tspan, ini);
for i=1:N-1
plot(timen, staten(:,i),'LineWidth',2);
hold on;
plot(timen, staten(:,N),'LineWidth',2)
grid on
title('LQR regulator on the non-linear dynamics')
hold off