Yacouba SIMPORE is an Associate Professor at the Université Ouaga 1 Professeur Joseph Ki Zerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, where he obtained his PhD in Optimal Control in 2016. He visited the Chair of Computational Mathematics of DeustoTech during 3 months within the Senior Visitor Program of the ERC Advanced Grant DyCon: Dynamic Control. Author's contribution: Numerical simulation of nonlinear Population Dynamics Structuring by age and Spatial diffusion In this tutorial, we propose the Hum method to approximate numerically the control in a null controllability problem for a non linear population dynamics model structuring in age and spatial diffusion. Author: Yacouba Simpore - 30 October 2019 LQR controller for stabilizing the linear population dynamics model In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to design a LQR controller in order to stabilize the linear population dynamics model dependent on age and space Author: Yacouba Simpore - 29 October 2018